Making estate management
Our specialist probate team at Parry Carver Solicitors can deal with the process of estate administration, which can include the initial steps of valuing the estate through to obtaining a Grant of Probate and distributing the estate.
If there is just one aspect of the estate administration that is worrying you then we can look after that, or alternatively you can bring in the boxes of paper and leave us to deal with everything. You decide to what extent you want Parry Carver Solicitors to be involved in the process. Either way you will receive the same high standard of care. You will have face to face meetings with friendly and approachable lawyers and support staff. We will make sure that we understand what you want, and then explain clearly what needs to be done.

and complex cases
We also advise on the procedure where no will has been made, this is known as ‘Intestacy.’ The persons responsible for administering the estate are known as Administrators and in these situations there may be beneficiaries which need to be traced. We can assist the Administrators with the finding of beneficiaries and also help administer the estate, so as to avoid potential claims and disputes.
Parry Carver Solicitors have highly experienced staff to deal with all types of estates, including where no Inheritance Tax is payable to more complex high value estates, which include large investment portfolios, businesses, shares or land and property.
Costs will vary depending on what is involved in administering the estate and how much you want us to be involved. If you have instructed Parry Carver Solicitors to deal with the administration of the estate we will clearly set out our costs from the outset.
If you would like more information or would like to instruct Parry Carver Solicitors to deal with the administration of an estate then please feel free to contact us to make an appointment for a free initial consultation with one of our lawyers.